SQLite Integration Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

SQLite Integration Plugin WordPress

SQLite Integration is the plugin that enables WordPress to use SQLite. If you want to build a WordPress website with it, this plugin is for you.

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How to Install SQLite Integration Plugin, Manually

For more detailed instruction, please visit SQLite Integration.


  1. Download the latest WordPress archive and this plugin. And expand them on your machine.
  2. Move sqlite-integration folder to wordpress/wp-content/plugins folder.
  3. Copy db.php file in sqlite-integratin folder to wordpress/wp-content folder.
  4. Rename wordpress/wp-config-sample.php to wordpress/wp-config.php.

Basic settings

Open wp-config.php and edit the section below:

  • Authentication Unique keys and Salts
  • WordPress Database Table prefix
  • WordPress Localized Language

See also Editing wp-config.php in the Codex. Note that you don’t have to write your database server, user name, user password or etc…

Less than 5 minutes installation

Upload everything (keeping the directory structure) to your server and access the wp-admin/install.php with your favorite browser, and WordPress installation process will begin. Enjoy your blogging!

Optional settings

You can change some default settings with the directives in wp-config.php.If you change the SQLite database file name (default is .ht.sqlite) to others, add the next line in your wp-config.php.

define('DB_FILE', 'your_database_name');

If you change the directory where the SQLite database is put, add the next line in your wp-config.php.

define('DB_DIR', '/home/youraccount/database_directory/');

You can change either of them or both of them.

Use MySQL without uninstalling this plugins

If you want to use MySQL, add the next line in your wp-config.php.

define('USE_MYSQL', true);

Of course, this is not enough. You must give your database server address, user name, passowrd or etc… in the same file. After you add that line and access your web site for the first time, WordPress installer will begin. Then you must finish setting MySQL database. As you know, data in the SQLite database is not automatically migrated to MySQL.

If you want to use SQLite again, change the line in wp-config.php as below or just remove this line.

define('USE_MYSQL', false);

For PDO for WordPress users

If you are using PDO for WordPress now, you can migrate your database to SQLite Integration. I recommend the way below. See more detailed instruction SQLite Integration.

  1. Export your data from current database.
  2. Install latest WordPress with SQLite Integration.
  3. Import the old data.

If export or import fails for some reason, please visit our site and try another way described there.



SQLite Integration Plugin WordPress

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