WooCommerce Price Based on Country Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

WooCommerce Price Based on Country Plugin WordPress

Add multicurrency support to WooCommerce, allowing you set product's prices in multiple currencies based on country of your site's visitor.

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How to Install WooCommerce Price Based on Country Plugin, Manually

  1. Download, install and activate the plugin.
  2. Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product Price Based on Country and configure as required.
  3. Go to the product page and sets the price for the countries you have configured avobe.

Adding a country selector to the front-end

Once you’ve added support for multiple country and their currencies, you could display a country selector in the theme. You can display the country selector with a shortcode or as a hook.



PHP Code


Customize country selector (only for developers)

  1. Add action “wcpbc_manual_country_selector” to your theme.
  2. To customize the country selector:
    1. Create a directory named “woocommerce-product-price-based-on-countries” in your theme directory.
    2. Copy to the directory created avobe the file “country-selector.php” included in the plugin.
    3. Work with this file.



WooCommerce Price Based on Country Plugin WordPress

WooCommerce Price Based on Country Plugin WordPress

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