wp-mpdf Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

Print WordPress posts as PDF. Optional with Geshi highlighting.

wp-mpdf Download Now

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How to Install wp-mpdf Plugin, Manually

  1. Upload the whole plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Set write permission (777) to the plugin dir folder => wp-mpdf/cache OR /wp-content/wp-mpdf-themes/cache
  3. Go to the plugins page and activate the plugin.
  4. Add to your template “<?php if(function_exists(‘mpdf_pdfbutton’)) mpdf_pdfbutton(); ?>” as a small button or “<?php if(function_exists(‘mpdf_pdfbutton’)) mpdf_pdfbutton(false, ‘my link’, ‘my login text’); ?>” as a textlink. The second text specifies the text which should displayed if you have checked “needs login” and a user isn’t logged in.
    (if you wish to open the pdf print in a new tab you may pass “true” for the first parameter)
  5. You can adjust some options: in your admin interface, click on plugins and then on wp-mpdf. For allowing or disabling pdf export you can use the checkbox when creating/editing a post or a page.
  6. Place your templates into /wp-content/wp-mpdf-themes

The mpdf_pdfbutton function signature: function mpdf_pdfbutton($opennewtab=false, $buttontext = '', $logintext = 'Login!', $print_button = true, $nofollow = false, $options = array())

The options array supports ‘pdf_lock_image’ => ‘/my/image/path/relative/to/wordpress/route’ and ‘pdf_image’ => ‘/my/image/path/relative/to/wordpress/route’ to overwrite which icon should be used.


Plugin Not Working?

If any errors or problems with the plug-in then write comments.

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