Zip Attachments Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

Zip Attachments Plugin WordPress

Add a "Download" button to your posts, pages or custom post types. This button will then create a zip file of the post attachments.

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How to Install Zip Attachments Plugin, Manually

First of all activate the Plugin, then you have three choices:


You can show the button after all your content (posts, pages, custom post types) by pasting this snippet at the end of your functions.php file of your theme:

function za_button_print($content) {     return $content.za_show_button('Download'); } add_filter('the_content', 'za_button_print');

Single.php (or similar)

Alternatively you can print the button only in certain parts of your theme. Paste the following snippet wherever you want them to show.

Be aware, it should be within the Loop.

<?=function_exists('za_show_button') ? za_show_button("Download") : ''?>


Finally you can use the shortcode inside your post content like so:

[za_show_download_button text="Download the file"]

As you can see you can use your own text, the default value is “Download Attachments”.

Download Counter

Each method has a download counter, you need to add additional parameters:


function za_button_print($content) {     return $content.za_show_button('Download', 'true', '(% times)'); } add_filter('the_content', 'za_button_print');


<?=function_exists('za_show_button') ? za_show_button("Download", "true", "(% times)") : ''?>


[za_show_download_button text="Download the file" counter="true" counter_format="(% times)"]

NOTE: the default counter format is (%), where % is actual number. The plugin will automatically replace this character with the download count.



Zip Attachments Plugin WordPress

Zip Attachments Plugin WordPress

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