Object Oriented Plugin Template Solution Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

A well engineered template for creating plugins using object-oriented programming practices. Uses Settings API, multisite, i18n, PHPUnit tests.

Object Oriented Plugin Template Solution Download Now

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How to Install Object Oriented Plugin Template Solution Plugin, Manually

  1. Download the zip file from WordPress’ plugin
    site: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/oop-plugin-template-solution/

  2. Unzip the file

  3. Here are some semi-automated steps to copy this plugin and rename the
    files, class names, and identifiers. The commands are in Bash,
    adjust them as needed for your environment. Replace the three mentions
    of “My Plugin” in the settings section with the name of your plugin.

    # Settings ----- # Plugin identifier / directory (hyphen separated). old_id=oop-plugin-template-solution new_id=my-plugin  # Class name (underscore separated). old_class=oop_plugin_template_solution new_class=my_plugin  # Plugin Name (space separated). old_name="Object Oriented Plugin Template Solution" new_name="My Plugin" # --------------   # Copy and rename the files. cp -R $old_id $new_id cd $new_id mv $old_id.php $new_id.php  # Replace strings in the files. find . -type f -exec sed "s/$old_id/$new_id/g" -i {} ; find . -type f -exec sed "s/$old_class/$new_class/g" -i {} ; find . -type f -exec sed "s/$old_name/$new_name/g" -i {} ; find . -type f -exec sed -E "s/^ * (Author:|Author URI:|@author|@copyright) (.*)$/ * 1/g" -i {} ; find . -type f -exec sed "s@REPLACE_PLUGIN_URI@http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/oop-plugin-template-solution/@g" -i {} ; sed -E "s/^(Contributors|Donate link|Tags): (.*)$/1:/g" -i readme.txt 
  4. Now get down to making the plugin do what you want. See the FAQ
    for instructions about particular aspects.

  5. Upload your plugin directory to your server’s /wp-content/plugins/

  6. Activate the plugin using WordPress’ admin interface:

    • Regular sites: Plugins
    • Sites using multisite networks: My Sites | Network Admin | Plugins


  1. This plugin offers the ability to remove all of this plugin’s settings
    from your database. Go to WordPress’ “Plugins” admin interface and
    click the “Settings” link for this plugin. In the “Deactivate” entry,
    click the “Yes, delete the damn data” button and save the form.

  2. Use WordPress’ “Plugins” admin interface to click the “Deactivate” link

  3. Remove the plugins directory from the server


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