Repost Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

Instantly share content with other publishers, bloggers, and websites.

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How to Install Repost Plugin, Manually

Install the plugin from your WordPress site

  1. Sign in to your WordPress site
  2. From Administration Panel > Plugins > Add New > search for Repost
  3. Select Install Now to install the plugin
  4. Activate and setup the plugin through the Settings menu

Or, upload the plugin to your WordPress site

  1. Download the file from
  2. Upload to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ WordPress directory
  3. Activate and customize the plugin settings through the Plugins menu

Button Location

You can choose where the Repost button will be placed into your article, either the top or bottom. If you’d like to place the button elsewhere on your page (such as a sidebar or customized social network navigation section), simply embed the following code: <?php do_shortcode('[rpuplugin]'); ?>

Fully customize the look of your button by selecting your own image or text with our custom button option: <?php print rpuplugin_custom_button("CUSTOM BUTTON"); ?>


Include an author byline for each article, create a custom byline that links to a specific page, or enter any other author attribution. Prefer to send your readers to an About Me page? Just enter the specific web address to the desired page. The choice is yours. By default, the byline automatically links to a list of the current author’s other articles.

Exclude Posts by Date

Selectively exclude articles posted before a certain date by month and/or year.

Syndicate Individual Posts

By default all posts are reposted. Alternately, choose only the posts you want reposted instead.

Generate Featured Images

Automatically create a “Featured Image” from the embedded article when publishing a new post. Perfect for those who use news or magazine WordPress themes.

Restrict User Roles

Restrict who can repost articles from the recommendation widget based on WordPress user roles.

Advanced Customization

To control what content is made available for syndication on a post-by-post basis, use the “rpuplugin_can_syndicate” filter.
This filter is called by the plugin with a post ID. The value you return will determine if the Repost button is displayed and
the post made available for syndication. Allowed, returned values are true, false, $post_id. If the filter returns true, the post
will always be available for syndication, overriding all other plugin settings. Similarly if the filter returns false, the post will never be
syndicated, again overdiding all other settings. Lastly, returning any value other than true or false will apply the normal plugin options
to decide if the post is eligable for syndication.

Example: Only syndicate specific category types.

Placing the following into your themes functions.php file would only allow posts that include the categories “stuff” and “otherstuff” to be syndicated:

//can syndicate filter add_filter( "rpuplugin_can_syndicate", "mythemecansyndicate");  //Allow/Disallow syndication by custom code // return true to force syndication on,  // return false to force syndication off // return anything else to follow the regular rules  //Example allow a specific category only categories function mythemecansyndicate( $post_id ) {     $allowed = array("stuff","otherstuff"); //add permitted categories here     $cats =  get_the_category( $post_id ) ;     $matched = false;     foreach( $cats as $k => $v ) {         if( in_array( $v->slug, $allowed ) ) {             $matched = true;             break;         }     }     //If we were an allowed category return the post id and let the per post rules apply as normal, otherwise return false;     if($matched) {         return $post_id;     } else {         return false;     } }

Example: Disallow specifc authors

Placing the following into your themes functions.php file would prevent posts from “joebob” and “billybob” for being syndicated:

//can syndicate filter add_filter( "rpuplugin_can_syndicate", "mythemecansyndicate");  function mythemecansyndicate( $post_id ) {     $blocked = array("joebob","billybob");  //add blocked authors here     $author =  get_the_author_meta( 'user_login' ) ;     if( in_array( $author, $blocked ) ) {         return false;     }     //If we got here, we're not blocked, and let the normal rules apply     return $post_id; }


Plugin Not Working?

If any errors or problems with the plug-in then write comments.

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