WP GeoNames Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

WP GeoNames Plugin WordPress

Allows you to insert all or part of the global GeoNames database in your WordPress base.

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How to Install WP GeoNames Plugin, Manually

Install and Activate

  1. Unzip the downloaded wp-geonames zip file
  2. Upload the wp-geonames folder and its contents into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate WP GeoNames from Plugins page

Insert GeoNames data

  1. Go to the new tab in Settings : WP GeoNames
  2. Select the GeoNames file you want
  3. Select Columns you want to insert (latitude, longitude, population, elevation…)
  4. Select type of data you want (city, building, lake, mountain…)
  5. Click ADD

You can insert as many file as you want.


You must use the WordPress tools to get the database. WPDB is your friend.
You can write the code directly in your template or in functions.php of your theme.

Name of the table : ($wpdb->prefix)geonames

Names of the columns :

  • idwpgn (bigint)
  • geonameid (bigint)
  • name (varchar)
  • asciiname (varchar)
  • alternatenames (text)
  • latitude (decimal)
  • longitude (decimal)
  • feature_class (char)
  • feature_code (varchar)
  • country_code (varchar)
  • cc2 (varchar)
  • admin1_code (varchar)
  • admin2_code (varchar)
  • admin3_code (varchar)
  • admin4_code (varchar)
  • population (bigint)
  • elevation (int)
  • dem (smallint)
  • timezone (varchar)
  • modification_date (date)

Feature Class & Code here.

Example : get GPS position for a specific city in a specific country :

global $wpdb; $s = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT latitude, longitude      FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."geonames      WHERE name='Paris' and country_code='FR' "); echo $s->latitude . " - " . $s->longitude;

Example : 10 most populous cities in Switzerland :

global $wpdb; $s = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name, population      FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."geonames      WHERE country_code='CH' and feature_class='P'      ORDER BY population DESC      LIMIT 10"); foreach($s as $t)     {     echo $t->name. " : " . $t->population . "<br />";     }

Example : hotels within 40 km from Marbella (ES) :

global $wpdb; $p = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT latitude, longitude      FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."geonames      WHERE name='Marbella' and country_code='ES' "); $dlat = 40 / 1.852 / 60; $dlon = 40 / 1.852 / 60 / cos($p->latitude * 0.0174533); $s = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name, latitude, longitude     FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."geonames      WHERE country_code='ES' and          feature_code='HTL' and          latitude<".($p->latitude+$dlat)." and         latitude>".($p->latitude-$dlat)." and         longitude<".($p->longitude+$dlon)." and         longitude>".($p->longitude-$dlon)."     LIMIT 100"); foreach($s as $t)     {     $d = (floor(sqrt(pow(($p->latitude-$t->latitude)*60*1.852,2)+pow(($p->longitude-$t->longitude)*60*1.852*cos($p->latitude * 0.0174533),2))));     if($d<=40) echo $t->name. " : " . $d . " km<br />";     }

Example : Suggest cities during the typing by the user (like Google search)

You must use Ajax action and PHP function with the name “wpgeonamesAjax”

In your theme, in function.php ; add :

function wpgeonamesAjax()     {     global $wpdb;     $s = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name          FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."geonames          WHERE country_code='FR' and feature_class='P' and name LIKE '".strip_tags($_POST["city"])."%'          ORDER BY name          LIMIT 10");     foreach($s as $t)         {         echo '<div onClick="document.getElementById('inpCity').value=this.innerHTML;document.getElementById('suggCity').innerHTML='';">'.$t->name.'</div>';         }     }

In your theme, in the right page ; add :

<input id="inpCity" name="inpCity" type="text" onkeyup="sugg(this,'<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>');" /> <div class="suggCity" id="suggCity"></div> <script> function sugg(f,g){     jQuery(document).ready(function(){         jQuery.post(g,{'action':'wpgeonamesAjax','city':f.value},function(r){             jQuery('#suggCity').empty();jQuery('#suggCity').append(r.substring(0,r.length-1));         });     }); } </script>



WP GeoNames Plugin WordPress

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