Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed. Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed. Plugin WordPress

Aggregate and embed your social media posts on your site (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest and many more) as a beautiful feed.

Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed. Download Now

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How to Install Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed. Plugin, Manually

Download the plugin zip file, unzip it, and upload it to your wordpress site under the /wp-includes/plugins directory.

Sign up via http://www.juicer.io and create a feed for free

One you’ve done that you can use the shortcode: [juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME'] in any post or page

To get your Juicer feed name:

Alternately, you can add the feed to your template directly if you like using PHP. Here’s an example: <?php juicer_feed('name=juicer'); ?>

Advanced Usage

There are a few more parameters you can add to your shortcode / php function that will allow you to limit the number of posts that show up:


is the number of posts you want to show up on a page. Default is 100


is the number of times you want the feed to add more posts as you scroll (This is known as infinite scroll). By default there is no limit to the number of pages, it will keep going until you’ve seen all the posts in your feed. If you only want it to add more posts once as you scroll set this to “2” for example.

So if you wanted your feed to only ever display 15 posts you should do something like this:

[juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME' per='15' pages='1']


<?php juicer_feed('name=juicer&per=15&pages=1'); ?>

This will show 15 posts, and ensure that your feed doesn’t load any posts beyond the first page.



Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed. Plugin WordPress

Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed. Plugin WordPress

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