amr users Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

amr users Plugin WordPress

User listings, member directories, search, filter, export. Digs deep into data created by other plugins to produce unified user listings.

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How to Install amr users Plugin, Manually

After activation default lists are available.

  1. Create sample data for your users for any new fields
  2. Goto Settings, see ‘find fields’. Execute to find any extra user fields you may have (NB: sample data must exist in your install). If your fields are not found, you are probably using a third party plugin that does not store it’s data in the wordpress user meta. There are add-ons for these. See at
  3. Configure the default lists or add listings in the settings panel. Your newly found fields will be available when you configure the list. Do not add more lists than you need, unless you are manually cacheing them.
  4. For public lists, create a page or post, enter the shortcode in text [userlist list=n]. Note some minor css is added but can be switched off or set for user list pages only.

Later: Think care fully about the cacheing options – consider the number of users you have and volume of updates. If lists are admin only – they can be manually rebuilt as needed rather than updating all the time.

Before: Please check your system meets the following requirements:



amr users Plugin WordPress

amr users Plugin WordPress

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