Pronamic Google Maps Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

Pronamic Google Maps Plugin WordPress

This plugin makes it easy to add Google Maps to your WordPress post, pages or other custom post types.

Pronamic Google Maps Download Now

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How to Install Pronamic Google Maps Plugin, Manually

Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your
WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

You should add some code to you templates to add the Google Map.

Dynamic Google Maps

<?php  if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps' ) ) {     pronamic_google_maps( array(         'width'  => 290,         'height' => 200      ) ); }  ?> 

Static Google Maps

<?php  if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps' ) ) {     pronamic_google_maps( array(         'width'  => 290,         'height' => 200,         'static' => true,         'color'  => '0xFFD800',         'label'  => 'M'     ) ); }  ?> 

Filter the_content()

<?php  if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps' ) ) {     function custom_pronamic_google_maps_the_content( $content ) {         $content .= pronamic_google_maps( array(             'width'  => 500,             'height' => 500,             'echo'   => false         ) );          return $content;     }      add_filter( 'the_content', 'custom_pronamic_google_maps_the_content', 9 ); }  ?> 

Google Maps Mashup

<?php  if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps_mashup' ) ) {     pronamic_google_maps_mashup(         array(             'post_type' => 'post'         ),          array(             'width'          => 300,             'height'         => 200,              'nopaging'       => true,             'map_type_id'    => 'satellite',              'marker_options' => array(                 'icon' => ''             )         )     ); }  ?> 


If you want to display the GEO microformat with the
latitude and longitude information you should call the following function in your template:

<?php pronamic_google_maps_geo_microformat(); ?> 

Or througt an filter

<?php  function custom_pronamic_google_maps_the_content( $content ) {     $content .= pronamic_google_maps( array(         'width'  => 500 ,          'height' => 500 ,          'echo'   => false     ) );      $content .= pronamic_google_maps_geo_microformat( array(         'echo' => false     ) );      return $content; }  add_filter( 'the_content', 'custom_pronamic_google_maps_the_content', 9 ); 



Pronamic Google Maps Plugin WordPress

Pronamic Google Maps Plugin WordPress

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If any errors or problems with the plug-in then write comments.

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