Speed Bumps Plugin WordPress, Download, Install

Intelligently insert speed bumps into site content.

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How to Install Speed Bumps Plugin, Manually

It’s a plugin! Install it like any other.

Onec you’ve installed the plugin, you’ll have to register one or more speed bumps in order for it to have any effect. You’ll also have to specifically call Speed Bumps to filter your content – the plugin doesn’t attach any filters to the_content or other hooks by itself.

The simplest way to have Speed Bumps process all of your content and insert speed bumps into content everywhere is simply adding the filter following registration:

register_speed_bump( 'speed_bump_sample', array(
'string_to_inject' => function() { return '<div id="speed-bump-sample"></div>'; },
add_filter( 'the_content', 'insert_speed_bumps', 1 );<pre><code></code></pre>

This registration results in the string_to_inject value being injected at the first opportunity based on the default rules (e.g. on posts longer than 1200 characters, following the third paragraph OR following the paragraph which contains the 75th word, whichever comes later).

Let’s say you wanted the speed bump higher in the content. You could modify the from_start parameter to declare that the speed bump can be inserted after the first paragraph (yes, like good engineers, we prefer zero-based indexing).

register_speed_bump( 'speed_bump_sample', array(
'string_to_inject' => function() { return '<div id="speed-bump-sample"></div>'; },
'from_start' => 0,

You can also selectively insert speed bumps into a string of content by calling Speed Bumps directly:

echo insert_speed_bumps( $content_to_be_inserted_into );<pre><code></code></pre>


Plugin Not Working?

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