US states with the highest salaries in IT

Despite the pandemic in 2021, the US technology sector has developed at a brisk pace and added 60,000 new jobs.

The high demand for IT specialists is confirmed by decent salaries: IT specialists in the US receive about 61% more than the national average. Of course, the amount depends on the location of the employee. Visual Capitalist, citing and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, lists the average annual salary of technology workers in different states.

Despite the pandemic in 2021, the US technology sector has grown at a brisk pace and added 60,000 new jobs. The high demand for IT specialists is confirmed by decent salaries: IT specialists in the US receive about 61% more than the national average. Of course, the amount depends on the location of the employee. Visual Capitalist, citing and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, lists the average annual salary of technology workers in different states.

Predictably, the highest salaries are in Washington and California, where many tech giants are concentrated. But the biggest gap between the pay of techies and the state average was recorded in Alabama – plus 85% towards IT professionals. The reason may be related to their shortage in the state, suggests VC. The smallest difference in the District of Columbia – 20%. At the same time, in other professions, the average annual salary here is the highest in the country and is $95,330.

The resource also prepared lists of the most cities and specialties with the most attractive salaries in the country.

Two of the 10 urban agglomerations with the largest difference between average and IT salaries are located in the state of Washington, three – in California. San Jose topped the list of cities with a 507% gap due to the presence of many IT millionaires and high-class programmers.

In the top of highly paid professions, the first place is occupied by actuaries – specialists in insurance mathematics. Network architects come next, followed by software developers and testers.

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